Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Little Lifeline

I did not always realize you - your talent, the way you did things, your personality, and your way of life - until almost a few years ago. I did not necessarily look down on you, but I did not look up to you either. Sad to say, you were almost there in my life as just a blob of confusion that I was not sure what to do with. How or when I came to realize you I am not sure; but the fact that I did is something I am not at all humbled by. 

You taught me to have a different outlook on life as well as many other little securities to go along with it. We know each other well and have a bond that is hard for others to understand unless they knew us in depth; but even then, it is highly impossible for anyone else to comprehend us. You are my sister, Megan, and you have played a role in the making of the person that I have come to be today - you gave me a life line in your own little way and have taught me many different mottos to live by. 

I often hear friends saying, "remember that one time when...?" For you and I, though, there is not a single one time; we have shared many 'one times', similar to the one time I first realized you gave me a life line. 

You often have a positive attitude towards whatever you are doing, whether it involves school, friends or family. Therefore, you taught me how to have a positive outlook on life which also leads to never giving up. I notice when you are struggling with a homework assignment, for example, and you at first want to give up on it and quit what you are doing, you do not, though. You make the assignment, or anything else for that matter, go on your completed check list; and doing so is never something to be questioned for you. You finish what you start, and pull up a smile on your face no matter what. 

Your smiles then always lead to laughter, and it is somewhat infectious - like a virus that is highly impossible to rid from oneself. You may not realize it, but if I were to count, I would be able to tally up practically fifty different laughs. There is that one laugh of yours when something is really funny to you; that one when something is kind of funny, but not really; that one when you cannot stop laughing even if you tried to; that one when you are in your own little world; that one when you pretend something is funny; that one...that one...that one. That one laugh has taught me to look at life in a brighter way and to correspondingly be a positive person. 

Along with your laughs, I also always receive a hug. Hugging is like your second nature: you seem to give out hugs like there is no tomorrow and like your life depends on it. I can continuously rely on you to boost my mood and cheer me up even the slightest notch on my happiness scale. For instance, if I am having a bad day, when you come home from school and can automatically notice, you rush over to give me a slight squeeze - you do not even understand the almighty powers of your embrace upon me. To you, the hug is a simple act of kindness, but to me it acts as a security blanket and I always feel content afterwards. Coming from me, to say all this about your artless hugs is a huge deal because whoever knows me knows that I am the enemy of all huggers alike; I dislike hugs and rarely ever hand them out. For you, however, I would give you a hug any time, any day, whenever you like. 

You are constantly hugging people and that just shows that you have a warming personality and a true-to-yourself kind of heart. People that do not know you could even catch on to that. You do not always speak your mind, but even if you did, nothing bad would come out of your mouth because judging is not on your daily agenda. You do not judge, which also leads to you not caring or worrying about what other people think about you. I used to struggle with that. Twenty-four/seven I would be thinking about what other people thought of me and constantly worrying whether or not I fit in with everyone else surrounding me. I also would judge almost everyone that walked across my path. I now realize, thanks to you, that judging is not an act to be proud of. 

However, someone I am proud of is you. You are one of a kind; you have taught me many lessons; you push me to strive; you listen to me; you know me probably better than most; you do not take life by the wheel, but instead just let it take you where it pleases; you smile; you laugh fifty different ways; you hug like no other person I have hugged before; you are my role model and I am yours; you are my complement and I am yours; you do this; you do that; you do everything; you are you - not any word could even describe you because no word would be enough to complete the thought in my mind of who you are to me. 

I love our little shared handshake that we have developed and the nicknames for each other. There are so many tiny details about you that I love, and even though I only have one sister, you are by far my favorite. The possibility for me to even ask for a different sister has never crossed my mind - I could not and would not trade you in for someone better, because there is no one that is better. I love you, Megan. 

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